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מה זה?
(נכתב בתשובה לסתם אחד, 06/11/08 12:46)
הכוזרים הם בולגרים שחצו את הדנובה
סתם אחד (שבת, 20/12/2008 שעה 15:02)
בתשובה לסתם אחד
הדפס תגובה/פתילקישור ישיר לתגובה זו

ראו מה שכותב בעניין ההיסטוריון הבולגרי הידוע ולאדימיר פומקוב שלדעתו כל הטענות שהכוזרים היו ממוצא תורכי הםן הבלים. :
. The Danube was generally the northern state border of the Roman Empire. Skitians inhabiting the lands on its right-hand riverside were subjects to the Roman Emperor. Skitians living on the river left-hand riverside were more or less ''free'' and were frequently called ''barbarians'' by their cousins and by other peoples living within the borders of the Empire. However, the Empire tried to exact tribute from them, too and in more than one way had made itself hated and non-welcomed by the free Skits. This obviously was one of the most important reasons to have many Skitian tribes united in the first half of the 5th century AD under the scepter of one of their kings in order to govern themselves in the way that would suit them best. It so happen that that king was called Attila (a Romanized form of a traditional and popular in the past Bolgarian name - Tilko). There are many ancient authors who wrote that the Huns were part of the Skitians (Claudius Ptolemeus, Philostorgius, Zosimus, etc.) and had nothing to do with the Turkic tribes. One of the most important of them was the Roman military leader Priscus. He was sent to Attila on a state mission by the Emperor and upon his return to Rome presented an extensive report on his visit to the ''King of Skitians'', although once or twice in his report he calls his hosts Huns, too. Prokopius identified the Huns with the mythical Cimmerians and Masageths, the same Skitian people that defeated ultimately the Persian Czar Cyrus. (Where from, then, did such a crazy notion came to some learned heads of historians, that the Huns were Asiatic, Turkic, undersized, bowlegged, stinking half-humans, drinkers of raw mare-milk and little short of being man-eaters, who threw the cultured, noble Roman citizens - who indulged in gladiatorial skirmishes in the circuses - in horror? The best advice to this scholars would be to have them read again and again the Priscus' report and make up for themselves a true picture of what the Huns were!).

8. (Now, Huns and Kozars (Khazars) were very close relatives, if not one and the same people. Both Huns and Khazars, or the part of the Danube Skitians they were, formed together with other Skitian tribes the Bolgarian people, state and nation south of the Danube. It is very possible that when Kozars/Khazars started leaving their homeland because of the overpopulation, they moved in more than one direction: i.e. while part of them went south, crossed the Danube and entered Mysia and Thracia, where they mixed with their kinsmen there, another part may had moved eastwards towards the plains between the Black and Caspian seas and mixed with the Skitians inhabiting those lands, may be as far south as the Caucasus Mountains. Probably it was in this way that the tale of the Volga-Kama Bulgaria was born

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הכוזרים הם בולגרים שחצו את הדנובה
סתם אחד (יום שישי, 02/01/2009 שעה 15:08)
בתשובה לסתם אחד
הדפס תגובה/פתילקישור ישיר לתגובה זו

הכוזרים הם לא בולגרים ולא טורקים. זה שהיסטוריון בולגרי טוען שהם ממוצא בולגרי וזה שהסטוריון טורקי או רוסי טוען שהם ממוצא טורקי לא מוכיח כלום.
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הכוזרים הם בולגרים שחצו את הדנובה
סתם אחד (שבת, 03/01/2009 שעה 17:50)
בתשובה לסתם אחד
הדפס תגובה/פתילקישור ישיר לתגובה זו

כל אחד מהם מביא את ההוכחות שלו.
אתה יכול לטעון שכל אחד מהם טועה אבל אתה צריך להביא הוכחות נגדיות לכך ולא לפסוק קטגורית כאילו אתה מבין יותר מהם מה שאינו ברור כלל.
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